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Starr takes over #38 ride, Whitt? David Starr will drive the #38 Toyota Tundra for Red Horse Racing, the team announced today. Starr, a native of Houston, Tex., has been one of the top drivers in the series since he began running in 1998. Red Horse Racing, which ran its first full season in 2004, won its first race at Memphis, Tenn., earlier this year and has developed into one of the most-watched teams in the series. Red Horse Racing is also planning on running a second Truck if sponsorship can be finalized. "David Starr brings a new element to our race team, and we're very excited to have him with us," said Marty Gaunt, Red Horse Racing's general manager and co-owner. "Our team has grown over the past two seasons and we've made tremendous strides. A veteran driver with the proven talent of David Starr was too good an opportunity to pass up." "Toyota and its Tundra are the way to go in the Craftsman Truck Series. Couple that with an opportunity to join a red hot team like Red Horse Racing, and this is a great opportunity for me," Starr said. "(Crew chief) Jamie Jones has a really talented group of guys to work with. And the ownership of Marty Gaunt, Tom DeLoach and Jeff Hammond gives me the type of people I want to work with - and win with." Red Horse Racing's ownership consists of general manager Gaunt, a winning veteran leader of motorsports teams; Hammond, a NASCAR Nextel Cup championship crew chief now serving as an analyst for FOX Sports; and DeLoach, a former Mobil Corp. executive who, with Hammond, owns and operates PIT Instruction and Training LLC, the number one pit crew training center in the world.(Williams Company), no mention on what former driver [and winner] Brandon Whitt will do in 2006, no mention in the PR but he 'could' be in the 2nd team if it materializes.(12-13-2005)