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Race four on the NASCAR Whelen modified Tour , was the Whelen 150 at Waterford Speedbowl.
The event was proceeded by an Open House at the Whelen Engineering plant in nearby Chesire Ct.Several teams had their cars on display. and the drivers signed auotgraphs for the Whelen employees. The event was a chance for the drivers to learn more about the Tour's title sponsor, and for Whelen's employee's to learn about the Tour .
Two second generation drivers would make their Tour debuts at Waterford . Long-time tour competitor , Charlie Pasteryak , would have his son Chris behind the wheel of the #5. Matt hirschman , son of Champion Tony . would also make his tour debut in his own #52.
Here are some highlights of the Whelen 150.
Donny Lia and the #18, had the field covered and led the entire race . I do remeber there was a bit of controversy on the finish as Lia's car stalled on the backstretch. Many fans thought the race should not have been over . But NASCAR made the win official , so that is how it stood .
Steve Whitt had an outstanding race, finshing fifth in the #06.
Tommy "The Kid" Cravenho returned for one race in the Brady Bunch #00. Cravenho finished seventh .
Matt Hirschman made a very impressive Tour debut, placing eigth in his #52.
Greg Shivers ran near the front all race , eventually placing ninth in the #23.
Jim Storace had a very hard crash into the front-stretch ARMCO , destroying the #47.
Ken Barry had a hard crash after contact with the #29 of James Civalli. Barry, driver of his father's #21, was vocally upset with Civalli.