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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
With the nextel cup awards banquet being over with, there is alot of finger pointing going on about people not showing..... per jayski reports that jeff gordon was not in attendance and was in paris france for the ROC race, it is unclear on what eilliot sadler, kasey khane and dale jr was doing but this racing season fails to end folks, i mean come on it appears now that the drivers and personal in nascar cant even sit in the same room anymore..... and this has been a "blackeye month" that has really made brian fances eyes cross and mike heltons mustache twich to say the least, romor also has it that sadlers and khanes award and sponser money will be forfitted, i dont know about that, i really dont think it will happen but i can say this, the drivers made so much money with apperances, tv commercials and endorsments, i dont think 1 million is really gonna hurt them, alot of our roots in racing has gone stright down the toilet, back in 86, the avg pay out for the win was at 60 grand, now it is roughly 300 grand, there is no more strach your way to the top and live week to week, now its to the point that morgan shepard could run around the track for 4 laps and park it and still get 70 grand for his efforts, its really out of hand
another shocking event was the new TV deal for 2007, it really looks like TNT and NBC has gotten cut<GOING OING GONE>, unless fox and ESPN/ABC <>>>>yes you heard me right,>>>> gets bill weber, he will probally be catering food or getting water for the other people on pit road, hate to say this but his verbal fumbles this season is worse than the houston texans handle on the ball. the following break down is as follows and this is also from JAYSKI
About the agreements:
Beginning in 2007, each NASCAR season will be launched on FOX with the telecast of the Daytona 500. FOX will also carry NASCAR “Speedweeks” events including the Budweiser Shootout and Daytona Pole Qualifying. FOX will also broadcast the 12 NASCAR NEXTEL Cup races following the Daytona 500.
TNT will broadcast six consecutive NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series races (races 14 through 19).
The final 17 NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series points races will be broadcast on ABC or ESPN. The final 10 races, the Chase for the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup, will be broadcast on ABC. The NASCAR Busch Series will be broadcast on ABC, ESPN or ESPN 2, with no less than four events on ABC.
SPEED will be home to the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series with the exception of two events, which will be broadcast by FOX.
NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series qualifying practice and “happy hours” will be broadcast on a combination of SPEED Channel, ESPN and ESPN2.
SPEED will broadcast the Gatorade Duels held each year during “Speedweeks” to determine part of the Daytona 500 starting order.
SPEED will also broadcast the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series All-Star Challenge and its companion all-star event, the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series Pit Crew Challenge. ESPN will launch specially NASCAR-branded news and information programming.
All broadcast partners will have new interactive rights, special “season preview” and “season end review” programming rights and other ancillary content. NASCAR fans will be able to receive NASCAR coverage from an expanded range of outlets including highlights and live streaming, content from and on each network’s Web pages, datacasts and newly-developed multimedia programming.(NASCAR PR)(12-7-2005)
>>>>> so in closing, it has been a nonstop offseason so far, with preseaon testing happening in late dec and early january, its really been the shortest offseason i can remember, with everything happening theres really no dead air for now. untill next week thank you for reading :)