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Race three for the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour , was the Miller Lite 150 at Riverhead Raceway. The 1/4 mile track on Long Island is one of the touhest events to qualify for. Riverhead host Tour Type Modifieds on a weekly basis, and the "Home Track" drivers always try to defend their turf. The 2005 race was changed from the usual 200 to 150 laps. Here is a look at some highlights from this event .
Tack conditions were excellent . Most drivers said the track was the best they had seen it. And the speeds in qualifying echoed those remarks. Lap times for the pole a year earlier would barely make the show in 2005.
Ted Christopher was the race winner , and showed that he could win on tracks of all sizes .
Eric Beers was back in the #3 , after missing Stafford due to injuries suffered Thompson.Beers would finish 2nd.
Eddie Flemke Jr. , showed promise with his new team the Teto #10 , finishing 8th.
Chuck Stuer used the outside lane to come back from a pit stop and finish 6th . Stuer was the top finishing Riverhead regular.
Zach Sylvesters' string of runer-up finishes ended at two . The #15 team would survive a few skirmishes to finish 14th.
Jimmy Blewwet had a strong qualifying effort, but would be involved in an acccident and eventually finish 20th in the #12.
Riverhead regular Frank Vigliarolo Jr., had a strong qualifying effort in the Bear #14 , but was also involved in a n accident and finished 22nd.
Former tour champion Wayne Anderson would suffer overheating problems earlyt and finish last in his #15 re-numbered to #45 .
Myself and the entire #47 Tout team wre treated to some great hospitality by the #R.O.C. Modified Tour team . Nothing beats a good shower after a long day at the track . also the early morning cold beers and pizza , was a heck of a way to start my Birthday . Thanx to all again.
I really enjoyed Riverhead . Got to see and talk with Mike Ewanitsko a bit . Saw some old friends . We missed the show , but enjoyed watching the race at least .
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 18:23, 2005-12-04