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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
With the Christmas Holiday rapidly approaching , I thought it was time for a Christmas Wish List . Here are a few drivers and my wishes for them .
Jim Storace - LUCK . This team just needs a litte good luck and could realy make some noise on the Tour . Also wishing him a Happy Birthday , as he is a Christmas baby.
Mike Ewanitsko - A Championship . It is not to common that a person gets a second chance in life . Mike is one of those rare execptions . Mike seemed destined for stardom on the Tour before his vision problems . Now with those problems behind him , I hope a Championship will be the reward .
Matt Hirschman - A full time Tour ride . They say the apple does not fall far from the tree . When the tree is a five time Tour Champion , this is an apple worthy of some attention.
Tony Ferrante - A Tour win . One of the nicest guys I have had the pleasure of knowing from my days with the Tour . He has come close , but victory lane has eluded him . With rumors of him retiring this one may never happen .
Doug Coby - Also wish for him to reach victory lane as well.
My final wish is for the guys and girls who enter Tour races knowing that the chances of competing are VERY slim . These are the teams with open trailers and used parts competing against the big dollar teams with new everything . so to Jake(9) , Wade(33) , Roy(27) , Danny(70) and Kelly(19) , a wish for just a little respect from the fans . some of us do realize how hard you try . Thank you for being a part of our favorite sport .
Our site members and visitors - A Happy Holiday season and a fun filled 2006 race season .
Thank you for taking the time to read my posts . It is greatly appreciated . WMT .
yes i agree with you i give wade and jake a ton of respect for going out almost every week and giving it all they got with what little they have compared to the high dollar teams.