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Wimmer to #4? hearing that Scott Wimmer, former driver of the #22 Caterpillar Dodge, will be the new driver of the #4 Morgan-McClure Chevy in 2006. No word on the status of the alliance with Victory Motorsports Racing that Morgan-McClure announced a few months ago.(12-2-2005)
UPDATE: Morgan-McClure Motorsports President and Team Manager Larry McClure has announced the signing of a contract with AERO Exhaust as the primary sponsor and with Scott Wimmer as driver of the # 4 AERO Exhaust Chevy for the 2006 season. "We are very pleased to have AERO Exhaust partner with us going into the 2006 season. AERO has experience in racing with both the Grand Am series and NASCAR's AutoZone Elite Division series and we are happy to extend their involvement into the NASCAR Nextel Cup series level. We are looking forward to a long-term relationship with AERO that will bring success to their business and to this race team. We have won three Daytona 500's, something no other single car team can say, and we are ready to be that winning team again. I believe we are on the right track to make that happen," said McClure at the Abingdon, VA based race shop on Monday morning. McClure continued, "At the same time, I am very excited to have a young, aggressive, knowledgeable driver like Scott Wimmer join our team. Scott brings a history of building his own race cars along with a winning career to our team and I believe we have a great combination of talents that will put us back in the winner's circle. We are very happy to have Scott and his family become a part of our racing 'family' here at Morgan-McClure." When Wimmer spoke with his new team at the race shop, he found support from everyone including the team member who brought all three Daytona 500 rings in for him to see. "I'm very happy to be a part of the Morgan-McClure team. This team has won the Daytona 500 three times and I believe we can win again. I'm excited to be in a position where I can be more hands on with the cars and I know we can be successful if we all work together. I want everyone on the team to talk to us about their ideas so we can bring out the best each of us has to offer. I'm excited to get in the cars and start testing. . .how long is it before we go to Daytona? I really appreciate the opportunity to continue my Nextel Cup career with this team." The team will be testing at Daytona International Speedway the second week in January.(Morgan-McClure Motorsports PR), no word if Lucas Oil will be back as a sponsor, supposedly it was a multi-year deal.(12-20-2005)