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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
You heard me right. We're starting the 2006 driver rosters early and RIGHT NOW. Remember that these will be updated when more numbers and drivers are entered. (In numerical order.)
Good to see that the Limited Late Models already have close to 20 cars registered , that division seems to be catching on . The Sk Lights only have 6 cars so far , let's hope that number goes up .
Also kind of strange that they have not finalized the rules for the SK Lights , they do realize it takes alot of time to put a car together . Hope they get things finalized soon .
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 08:53, 2005-11-29
Good to see that the Limited Late Models already have close to 20 cars registered , that division seems to be catching on . The Sk Lights only have 6 cars so far , let's hope that number goes up . Also kind of strange that they have not finalized the rules for the SK Lights , they do realize it takes alot of time to put a car together . Hope they get things finalized soon . -- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 08:53, 2005-11-29
Agreeing with you on all points. At the Fall Final, the Limited Late Models had their biggest field of the season. Almost a dozen cars taking the green flag. I guess everyone wanted to get a test run for the 2006 season. And with the SK Lights, I'm really hoping that they (Stafford Speedway management) get the rules straightened out in time. If not, you're looking at a group of drivers who spent the off season getting a car together for nothing. *nods*