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Devin Jones, under the crew chief guidance of Chase Pistone, showed his speed in both practice and qualifying on Saturday at the United Auto Racing (UARA) STARS Series opener at Hickory Motor Speedway. The former super late model stand-out posted the 2nd fastest practice times during the race weekend and qualified a strong 6th going into the series first race of the season.
With a new car and team behind us, we had some work to do during practice, said Jones. But Chase Pistone, along with Greg and Ken, worked hard to get the car where it needed to be for a strong qualifying run. Im very happy to be back working with Chase its like coming home. He will stop at nothing to get the car where it needs to be.
After putting down the 6th fastest qualifying time, Jones was ready to make a mark during the first race of the UARA-STARS season.
At the start, Jones ran a conservative race, working to save his equipment for the long term. Yet, a race incident about 1/3 of the way through the race put Jones too close to the 12 car in front of him in turns 3 and 4. The 12 car crossed his front right, causing damage that would impact Jones speed and his ultimate race finish.
Unfortunately, we didnt have the race car we had worked on during practice for most of the race, said Jones. After contact with the 12 car, our tow was out and the car no longer had the speed we had during practice. With the help of the Chase Pistone crew, we did what we could to salvage the night. Its disappointing to have a good car and be out of the top five that early.
Jones finished the night in the 20th spot. Yet, the opening nights results didnt stop Jones from having high prospects for his UARA-STARS season.
Im excited to be campaigning for the complete UARA-STARS program this year, said Jones. They put on an impressive program with a superior attention to detail. Even better, the series goes to some of my favorite tracks in the Southeast. I know that a win for us is just around the corner. Its going to be a great year with UARA.
Devin Jones Racing thanks his crew at Chase Pistone Inc., including Chase, Greg and Ken, for all their hard work during the UARA STARS season opener. Jones and his team are looking forward to showing their speed again at Dillon Motor Speedway on April 7 during the second UARA-STARS race of the season.