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Townley charged with DUI after wreck in GA: UPDATE RAB Racing statement; Townley to be replaced: NASCAR Camping World Truck Series driver John Wes Townley was charged with driving under the influence after crashing his 2012 BMW into a telephone pole in Georgia, the Athens Banner-Herald reported Friday. The incident, which occurred early Tuesday morning, came to the attention of the Oconee County Sheriff's Department when a 911 call reported "a suspicious man knocking on the back door of a home" at 4:30 a.m. Sheriff's deputies arrived to find a disoriented Townley "swaying from side to side and bleeding from his bare feet," the report said. Townley was arrested and charged with DUI and weaving in the roadway. The newspaper said deputies found blood on the seat of the car, which had its airbags deployed in the crash. Townley's incident could be a blow to the 22-year-old's NASCAR comeback. The son of Zaxby's co-founder Tony Townley is attempting to revive his career with RAB Racing, which formerly fielded Nationwide cars for the driver. RAB Racing declined comment when contacted by SB Nation. This isn't the first time Townley has found trouble with authorities on an alcohol-related offense. In 2010, Townley was cited for underage possession of alcohol during the Las Vegas race weekend (he was a Richard Childress Racing driver then). NASCAR had no immediate comment on Townley's incident, though it has previously allowed drivers charged with DUI to race.(SB Nation.com)(2-10-2012)
UPDATE: RAB Racing with Brack Maggard announced today that as a result of his recent DUI arrest, John Wes Townley will be replaced as driver of their #09 Toyota Tundra until his return is deemed appropriate. "Obviously, this is an unfortunate situation," said Robby Benton, owner of RAB Racing with Brack Maggard. "However, we have to react to the severity of the incident accordingly. His actions do not reflect those of RAB Racing, nor the sponsors associated with the team. "John Wes has accepted full responsibility, and will take the necessary personal steps in order to correct his actions, among other internal sanctions," Benton continued. "We stand by John Wes, and will welcome him back to the team at the appropriate time."(RAB Racing PR)(2-10-2012)