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#77 Team....to be dissolved? hearing Penske Racing South with dissolve the #77 Kodak team at the end of the 2005 season as Kodak is leaving as sponsor. No word on where Kodak will go or where Travis Kvapil will drive. Supposedly Penske will not be a two car [#2-Kurt Busch and #12-Ryan Newman] team for long they are going to develop another young driver in the same ABC [ARCA, Busch, Cup] format that was successful with Newman.(11-16-2005)
UPDATE: been told this is NOT true..and that Penske Racing worked things out to keep Kodak and that Travis Kvapil will drive the #77 Kodak Dodge in 2006.(11-17-2005)
Travis Kvapil and the #77 Kodak/Jasper Engines & Transmissions race team will not be part of the NASCAR Nextel Cup scene for the 2006 season. "Penske (Racing South) and Kodak have agreed not to field the 77 Dodge in Nextel Cup racing in 2006," said David Kassnoff, Kodak's manager of communications and publications. "We expect a return in 2007 with a more competitive race team. We are looking to Penske to develop a team that can perform at a high level consistently in 2007." Kvapil could not be reached for comment. Kodak, the longest continuous primary team sponsor in NASCAR, will be reduced to associate sponsorship status for 2006. Kodak's associate sponsorship will appear on the #2 Miller Lite Dodge. Kurt Busch, the 2004 NASCAR Nextel Cup champion, will replace [retiring] Rusty Wallace in the #2 car next season. Internet rumors last month said that Kvapil's team would be dissolved. One Kodak spokesman and another for Penske strongly denied those rumors. Despite the denials, the whispers continued. Penske Racing South has not made a public statement regarding the status of Kvapil's team. Kassnoff said an announcement should come later today or tomorrow.(Janesville [WI] Gazette)(12-8-2005)