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BNSRacing.com has all the latest news and results from the Showdown in Irwindale CA. BGNN drivers are at the top of the practice charts with Mike Johnson pacing the first practice, and West Series driver David Gilliand fastest in the 2nd session. However, BGNN drivers made up 3/4 of the top ten speeds in both practices. For all the practice speeds and qualifying race lineups, go to BNSRacing.com
Mike Olsen won the first qualifying race. Although Bobby Mccarthy came in second to Mike Olsen, Bobby led most of the laps and has hard feelings toward Mikek Olsen. Sean Caise won the second qualifying race on Friday night. Sean Caise was not very animated about his win to the media but he made sure he stated he was from Pelham New Hampshire. Could it be he is growing up?? Ryan More did race in the second qualifier with Sean Caise but no problems or get backs. Ryan also mention to the media that he has learned allot from his suspension for a month, I hope he has grown up also. In both qualifiers the Bush North Teams out did the West teams. Dale Shaw ran as a usual Dale Shaw race. He did make it entertaining. The only point that the media thought was important was that Andy Santere did not win his qualifier. Matt K.#40, Mike J.#96 also proved that the Bush North is the stronger competition. We will see tonight,when the main event (for the money) happens. A side note: Mike Stefanick ran well but all the media could say was about his aniversary being this week and how his wife is the spotter. Cuodos to his wife.
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (Nov. 15, 2005) – NASCAR announced today that the unofficial results of Saturday’s Toyota All-Star Showdown Grand National Division race at Irwindale (Calif.) Speedway have been revised, resulting in original runner-up David Gilliland being declared the winner.
The car driven by Mike Olsen, originally listed as the winner in the unofficial results, failed post-race inspection. Olsen’s crew chief, Harry Norcross, was determined to be in violation of Section 12-4-A (actions detrimental to stock car racing) and Section 12-4-Q (car, car parts, components, and/or equipment that do not conform to NASCAR rules) of the NASCAR rule book. Olsen’s car had unapproved right-side wheels which exceeded the maximum width of 9 ˝ inches and were less than the 27-pound minimum weight.
The violations dropped Olsen to 31st in the official race finish. Gilliland and all others in the event moved up one position as a result.
And a further update:
Fadden Racing to appeal NASCAR Penalty
Fadden Racing, Inc. will appeal the penalty NASCAR handed down today to Harry Norcross, crew chief for the No. 61 Busch North Series car, as a result of a rules infraction last weekend at Irwindale Speedway. Alvin Fadden, Team Manager of Fadden Racing, Inc. "However, the infraction was issued to the crew chief, and NASCAR essentially penalized Mike Olsen.” Harry Norcross has been relieved of his crew chief duties.
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (Dec. 2, 2005) - On December 1, 2005, the National Stock Car Racing Commission heard and considered the appeal of Michael Olsen, driver of NASCAR Grand National Division, Busch North Series car #61.
The appeal pertained to a penalties issued by NASCAR under Section 12-4-A of the Rule Book “Actions detrimental to stock car racing” and Section 12-4-Q “Any determination by NASCAR Officials that the car, car parts, components and/or equipment used in the Event do not conform to NASCAR rules: unapproved right side wheels; exceeded the maximum width of 9-1/2 inches and less than the 27 pound minimum weight.”
The penalties stemmed from post-race inspection at the non-championship, post-season NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdown at Irwindale Speedway on November 12, 2005.
The penalties assessed were:
Placed in 31st position in the All-Star Showdown Prior the penalties, the #61 car was shown finishing in 1st place overall in the race. Thirty-first finishing position constitutes last place.
In determining the Appeal, the Commission considered several factors:
The fact that the wheels failed to conform to the rules was not contested, nor was the fact that their installation was both intentional and premeditated.
The Appellant argued that the infractions occurred without his knowledge through the actions of his crew chief. Furthermore, both sides characterized the driver as having an exemplary history of adherence to the rules.
The Appellant argued that there is a general impression that NASCAR does not take away race wins for technical infractions. The Appellant also argued that the penalty was too harsh for the infractions. Testimony revealed that moving a race winner to last place, while uncommon, is not unprecedented. Given the magnitude of the event, the outcome of the race, and the nature of the infractions, the Commission did not find the penalties unwarranted in this case.
Therefore, it is the unanimous decision of the National Stock Car Racing Commission to uphold the original penalty issued by NASCAR. The Appellant has the right under Section 15 of the Rule Book to appeal this decision to the National Stock Car Racing Commissioner.
Clay Campbell Steve Page George Silbermann, Chairman