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Craven may sit out 2006 season: Ricky Craven said he is prepared to sit out next season if he doesn't get the opportunity he desires. He currently is finishing up his year with Roush Racing [#99] in the Truck Series. "I've had some opportunities in the Busch and Truck series but I've made it clear I want to get back to the Nextel Cup Series next year and I want it to be a quality opportunity," said the 39-year-old Craven on Tuesday. He won't be a noncompetitive field filler in Nextel Cup, he insisted. "My odds have diminished in the last few weeks because the opportunities are starting to fill up. We live in a world of statistics and numbers don't lie. The youth movement has gained so much momentum," said Craven. "[Twenty-four-year-old] Denny Hamlin is going to drive the 11 car next year [for Joe Gibbs Racing]. He clearly has talent and deserves the opportunity. He has done a very good job. That type of opportunity simply didn't exist when I was a rookie in 1995," Craven added. "You had to race a minimum number of years in Busch to get considered for a Cup ride. Drivers under 30 years of age who got top 10 Cup rides were few and far between. Young drivers short on experience are getting those rides now. That's how the sport has changed," said Craven, the 1995 Cup Rookie of the Year. There are two races left in the truck series and Craven, currently 11th in points, said he hopes to make a decision on his future in the Nextel Cup Series within the next two weeks. Retirement isn't an option, he said. Nor is seeking another job within the NASCAR garage (i.e. crew chief). If he doesn't land a Nextel Cup ride, he said he will "re-evaluate" his future. He said he may eventually decide to seek a ride in the truck or Busch series but only if the team can challenge for the points championship.(Bangor Daily News)(11-9-2005)