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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well people - the '05 season has finally come to a close. For all the waiting and rearranging of our lives, it was actually a pretty good weekend. And sunny....
Props to my man Chris Correll and his #7 Hooters team on their 3rd consecutive ARTS Regional Championship!! Now if he could've only scored a Mini win....lol
Congrats to Robbie Summers and the whole #11 team. I must admit I was pulling for da house Ronnie U, but it seems that everyone I root for finished 2nd this year (what up 'chard). And I gotta say, I loved the pressure the red 11 was puttin on Pasteryak throughout the race - racin' hard and for the win instead of chillin' out and riding around for points security. That's what we like to see... Giddy UP!!
This season sure was unique - with the whole "impending sale" dilema that infested the first half of the season. But in the end, the speedbowl survived. And that's unusually when the number of short tracks is disintegrating all over the country with each passing year.
For most of the season - Waterford had the best SK car count of any of the CT tracks. Suprisingly good. Of course, Late Models were hideous with the # of cars BUT - there was a full field for the Finale and so at least the ended it right.
My man Rich came up short in the Mini Points. Better than last year (3rd) but with less wins (5-2). We always have a good time, but there is a little dissappointment around camp. Oh well, it's only one season... Ya never know what division we'll be in next...
Glad to have another outlet with some cool people to chat, cheer, grumble, bitch and moan with... And props to all the people who contribute to the up-to-the-minute race results. Keep up the great work....
So I dunno about you, but I'll be back at it again religiously each weekend next year. No matter how worked up we get at certain points during the season, bottom line is...
We all just freakin' love it - this racing disease....