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UPDATE: John Andretti will replace Brent Sherman in the #10 Ford for ppc Racing in the Busch Series. Freedom Roads RV will be the sponsor.(Sporting News)(11-7-2005) UPDATE 2: John Andretti is attempting once more to hit the restart button on his racing career. This weekend at Homestead-Miami Speedway, Andretti looks to roll again, this time in the NASCAR Busch Series. Andretti hopes to be in the field on Saturday when the green flag drops for the Ford 300 Busch race. Andretti looks to the 300 as a kickoff for a full 2006 season in Busch. "This race is an end of the season for everyone else, but it's a beginning for me," the 42-year-old Nazareth native said. "It starts my Busch career off for next year." For the 300, Andretti's #10 is the St. Jude Racing to Save Lives Ford. The team is racing in support of St. Jude Research Hospital, in Memphis, Tenn., and the fight against childhood cancer and other catastrophic diseases. Every part and aspect of the car is donated by ppc owner Greg Pollex, sponsors, suppliers and others parties. Pollex and Andretti pledged their winnings to the St. Jude cause.(Express-Times)(11-17-2005)