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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
A perfect new England weekend for The annual Thompson Swap Meet and the highly anticipated "finally getting it in", Finale!
News from the track today has the program running a bit behind and the tentative schedule already being changed slightly.
12:00 PM S-K Modified heats (10 laps)
12:15 PM Late Model heats (10 laps)
12:30 PM Mini Stock heats (10 laps)
12:45 PM Sportsmen heats (10 laps)
1:00 PM Legend heats (10 laps)
1:15 PM NEMA heats
1:30 PM All-Star Race Truck heats
1:45 PM Pro Four heats
2:00 PM Consolation races, if needed
2:30 PM All-Star Race Truck feature (25 laps)
3:00 PM Pro Four feature (25 laps)
3:30 PM Legends feature (25 laps)
4:00 PM X-Car feature (20 laps)
4:30 PM Geico Direct Super X-Car feature (20 laps)
5:00 PM X-Modified feature (15 laps)
5:30 PM Women on Wheels feature (4 cylinder) (15 laps)
5:50 PM Women on Wheels feature (8 cylinder) (15 laps)
The SK Modifieds are headed out right now (approximately 2:00 pm) for their heat races. There are currently 23 SK's at the track and three drivers still at the North South Shootout who have guaranteed spots, that plan on running tomorrow's 100 lap main event. Ron Silk, Rob Janovic, and Tom Fox plan on returning north to make the green flag tomorrow making a total of 26 entries. Three of the 23 cars at the track are X-Mods that are going to take the green in the SK feature. Another surprise entry is Stafford Motor Speedway's own Bob Georgiades in his #86 SK. We will bring you at least the heat winners as soon as we get the call from the track.
The Late Models also have a great field for tomorrow's feature, with Charlie Bailey in his Thompson Late Model, and Robbie Summers running Dennis Botticello's back-up late Model.
I can't wait to head to the track tomorrow to catch that SK feature. Should be a great day weather-wise, and it's just taken so long to get this event in the books!
Back with more news from the track as it comes in...
-- Edited by bratmaster at 14:22, 2005-11-05
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Some of today's qualifying heats have been completed, including the SK Modified heats. The winners of their respective heats were, Dennis Charette, Donny Fowler and Frank Mucciacciaro. Racing at the Bowl is progressing nicely and we will bring you any more news that we get as soon as it comes in.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Decent field of Late Models, Charles Bailey with his TIS Late Model was a heat winner, as was the dominant as usual Allen Coates. Dennis Botticello had both ACT LM's on hand, with Botticello and Summers both having solid heat race performances. Stafford LM, and former Bowl Sportsman competitor Tony Lafo was also on hand.
Things got a bit a heated in one of the Sportsman heats, as contact between Billy Gertsch and Roger Perry resulted in Gertsch being dq'ed from the heat. Nice to see former Bowl runner Scott Cook return to the Sportsman wars as well.
I went to the swap meet at Thompson today and bought some cool stuff, a fiberglass bubble hood, upper quarter panels from Jamie Tomaino's car, blow proof bell housing and hydraulic throwout bearing from Jim Storace.
I also met some cool people who hooked me up with sheetmetal. As well as some folks who also have a mod to run in the X modified division at Waterford. I'd like to hit the Bowl tomorrow if possible, sounds like a great time. Too bad I missed the happenngs today but hey, you can't be everywhere at ounce!!