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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Fall means that all of us in America get an extra hour sleep on Sunday morning or an extra hour partying at the fire in Thompson!
On Sunday morning at 2:00am remember to set all your clocks back one hour. All this means is that it will be darker in the evening on Sunday while they are trying to get in the last of the events at the World Series.
On a related note, Mischief Night is this Sunday as well. Sales of eggs and shaving cream tend to rise, and I personally always make sure my car is in the garage! And, then Monday. Infamous Halloween night. It is certainly not the same with all the freaks out there, and fearful parents who only allow kids to visit friends and relatives, or go to the annual party at the local, school, fire station and community centers.
My favorite remeberance of Halloween is a retired local driver riding around the TIS parking lot on a go-cart with a witches hat and stuffed bra! You know who you are, and I have pictures to prove it!
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween, and a great World Series.
The weather finally looks like it is going to cooperate.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!