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Slugger to leave the #19? hearing #19 crew chief, Slugger Labbe could leave Evernham Motorsports at the end of the season, possibly going back to Robert Yates Racing, as the crew chief for #38-Elliott Sadler?(10-26-2005)
UPDATE: Statement from Ray Evernham on the Leadership for the #19 Dodge Dealers/UAW Dodge Charger: "We have decided to make a change on the leadership team for the #19 Dodge Dealers/UAW Dodge Charger driven by Jeremy Mayfield. The team, led by Team Director Kenny Francis for the past three years, has shown great promise and potential. We've qualified for the Chase for the Championship for the second year in a row. But, we have high expectations for this team, both for the remainder of the 2005 season and for next year. We still have four races to run this season, all of which are on tracks where we've been successful. We're confident that we can re-energize this team to bring home solid finishes in these last four races and move up in the Chase for the Championship. We are already planning for next year, and we recognize that we need to make several changes to regain the momentum this team had earlier in the year and to ensure we have the right people in the right places to win races and a championship. As part of this change, Richard "Slugger" Labbe will no longer serve as crew chief for the team. Kenny Francis will continue to lead the team as he has the last three years, and Mike Shiplett, currently the car chief for the team, will share Labbe's duties with Francis. Slugger Labbe made good contributions to this team this year, and we wish him well as he pursues other opportunities."(ClearBlue/Evernham Motorsports PR)(10-27-2005)
UPDATE 2: Richard "Slugger" Labbe said a lack of chemistry with Jeremy Mayfield was behind his departure from Evernham Motorsports this week. Mayfield has one top-20 finish since making the Chase for the Nextel Cup for the second consecutive year. "I just didn't fit in," said Labbe, who declined another position at Evernham. "We got in the Chase, and we've just been mediocre. I want to win and be in the top five every week." Labbe expects to join another team by next week's race at Texas.(Richmond Times Dispatch)(10-29-2005) UPDATE 3: Beginning this weekend at Texas Motor Speedway, Richard “Slugger” Labbe will serve as a consultant for all three Robert Yates Racing Teams (#88 UPS, #38 M&M’S®, #90 CitiFinancial-Busch). Labbe, who previously worked with the #19 Team, returns to RYR where he served as crew chief for the #28 Ford in 1998.(Elevation Group/RYR PR)(11-3-2005)