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Bliss returns to the #16: Mike Bliss will rejoin Xpress Motorsports behind the wheel of the #16 Chevy Trucks Silverado for the four remaining events of the 2005 Truck Series schedule. Bliss and Xpress won the NCTS championship in 2002 with an impressive record that included five trips to victory lane, 13 top-five finishes, 18 top-10 runs and four poles. "I am excited to be back with Xpress Motorsports," said the Milwaukie, OR native. "I would like to thank Dave Fuge and Chevrolet for giving me the opportunity to drive the Chevy Trucks Silverado for the final four races of this season." "We are very pleased that Mike has agreed to drive for us the remainder of the season," said Dave Fuge, Xpress Motorsports team owner. "We had tremendous success together in the past and I think it will be pretty easy transition. Hopefully we can return to victory lane before this season is over. We have talked about continuing our partnership in 2006 and beyond but both of us want to make sure we explore all options available to us before we make a decision. So as of this moment, he will drive for us through Homestead and then we will reevaluate where each of us are in the decision making process regarding the future and go from there."(GM Racing PR)(10-26-2005)
Bliss still looking at options: Mike Bliss is still looking at his options for the 2006 racing season. Bliss currently splits time in the Haas CNC Racing #0 Chevy in the Nextel Cup Series and the Xpress Motorsports #16 Chevy Trucks Chevy in the Craftsman Truck Series, but as of now does not have a firm deal in place to drive anything next year. "Everyone thinks this deal is done, but it's not," Bliss said. "XPress Motorsports is great, but Dave (Fuge, team owner) is losing his Chevrolet deal for next year and they are working on some sponsorship stuff for next season. I would like to stick around and see what happens here. Both of us are sitting here with the same problem. A lot of people think I am locked in right here and right now I am not." Bliss has yet to reach the point where he is going to panic about starting 2006 without a ride. We are going to wait and see," he said. "I haven't even really started to call anybody. I'd like to wait and see what happens here, but if nothing does come out of it, I have to be looking somewhere else. There's not a lot of seats open anywhere and that's a problem. I haven't gotten to the point where I am panicking yet, but I am getting close."(Truckseries.com)(11-18-2005)