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With Thompson cancelling their World Series event until next weekend due to the impending bad weather, once again Waterford Managment is considering their options for the Finale event. When a decision is reached on what Waterford will do, we will try to get it posted as soon as possible. Here is the Press release from the Speedbowl:
Continued rain forces rescheduling AGAIN!
Earlier today it was announced that a neighboring NASCAR track has once again moved their two-day event to the same time slot chosen by the Speedbowl for the Town Fair Tire Finale. The running of the SMACKTOBERFEST is also potentially affected.
Due to the unexpected nature of this decision, Speedbowl Management is forced to rethink, once again, what can be done with the remaining weekends that will be of most benefit to racers and fans.
We apologize for the delay, but we need some time to assess all options before making any announcements. Please check here for schedule updates as they occur.
I almost hope they leave it alone. I'm getting too anxious to get the season over with. It'll be almost 4 weeks since we last raced at the bowl and that's if nothing changes from this point on... that's a long time... if it's too long, no one will show up no matter what division is scheduled or what other track is also running. It's unfortunate for everyone - tracks, touring divisions, fans, vendors (for the flea markets)...everyone - but ya can't control mother nature...
What should Waterford do? Just leave the schedule alone! If the management's going to choose a week, just choose next weekend to race and get it over with. First weekend in November's the North/South Shootout and will conflict some schedules. And November's a bad month anyway. Last year, I believe we had snow before the Thanksgiving holiday.
I feel for Eames and company on this one. They are damned if they do, damned if they don't. To schedule a race event, and go up against the World Series at the Big T, borders on race promotinal sucide. And as has been pointed out here, and on other boards it doesn't get much better going against the swap meet at Thompson or the North South Shootout at Concord. Also, you get later into the month of November and your really playing with fire weather wise, and you end up having to scrap the whole thing. So I really think T.E and company did the best they could on this deal.