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Here is an excerpt from Shane Courchesne's Hartford Courant article, with Thompson Speedway owner Don Hoenig's comments on the weather and scheduling situation:
It's turning into the local racing season that will never end.
And there's little relief in sight this weekend. With rain in the forecast, Thompson International Speedway owner Don Hoenig doesn't know what will happen if another weekend is lost because of the weather.
Thompson is scheduled to run the 14-division World Series of Speedway Racing Saturday and Sunday.
The showcase event is the Whelen Modified Series on Sunday. The Modified Series is scheduled to return to the track Oct. 29 to close out its season along with the Busch North Series.
"I just don't really know how things will go if we lose this weekend," Hoenig said. "Right now it doesn't look good, but you never know."
The forecast calls for showers on Saturday and the possibility of heavy rain on Sunday.
Hoenig has a major automobile swap meet scheduled Nov. 5-6, meaning the track would be unavailable for racing. The next available date to make up an entire weekend show would be Nov. 12-13.
"Last year, the week after the swap meet, we had 6 inches of snow on the ground," Hoenig said. "I hate thinking about looking that far down the road. We're really going to have to work things out with NASCAR and figure out a way to get things in as soon as possible."
NASCAR could cancel one of the final two remaining Modified Series events and add the final Busch North Series race to a World Series lineup moved to Oct. 28-30.
"I think NASCAR might just tell me to run the Busch North on that Friday [Oct. 28]," Hoenig said. "At this point I don't want to cancel anything we have scheduled, but we might not have a choice."
Waterford Speedbowl is also still trying to get in its final event, the Town Fair Tire Finale. That event is scheduled Oct. 29-30. The current schedule, which has the Busch North/Modified Tour doubleheader scheduled for Oct. 29, would give Waterford Oct. 30 exclusively. A revised World Series schedule for that weekend would pit the tracks head-to-head on that day, a scenario Hoenig doesn't want to see.
"I don't want to hurt anyone," Hoenig said. "Right now I'm just going to do what NASCAR says we need to do."
Hoenig said he has a conference call scheduled for noon today with NASCAR officials to decide what will happen this weekend.
"If the weather is still such that it doesn't look promising I want to be able to make a decision [today]," Hoenig said. "I want to have answers for people by [today]."