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Rumors are around that SMS will add an entry level type Modified division next season. To shed a little more light on this, here is an excerpt from Shane Courchesnes Hartford Courant article, with the Arutes comments on the matter:
More Of The Same?
Stafford Motor Speedway general manager Mark Arute said the track is looking into the possibility of adding an entry-level SK Modified division next season.
Currently the open-wheel SK Modifieds are the premier division at Stafford. The track also has a Late Model division, Limited Late Model division and DARE Stock division, all of which are full-fendered race cars.
"We're actively looking at the possibility of adding something for next season involving a new Modified division," Arute said. "The concern we've had is just that we don't have a way to bring an open-wheel person up. We're pretty solid in our full-fender divisions. We need to address a direction for open-wheel racers to move up or come in and right now it's not happening through our full-fendered divisions."
The track is examining designs for a cost-effective car that would be attractive for a driver looking to move up from one of the track's lower divisions.
"We had [58] guys race DARE Stocks [the track's main entry-level division] this year," Arute said. "People want to race. We're trying to address that and get them racing Modifieds.
"The concept is to start with an existing SK Modified chassis and put some very strict cost restraints on what can be done. I think in a week to 10 days we'll have a definitive answer on whether we're going to do this or not."
if you ask me stafford is alittle late on this concept, i believe thompson already did this with the thompson modified, i dont what he may say it will be as expensive as a thompson mod or more for the chassis and motor even though it would be a crate.
My opinion is never mind starting another division, make this your SK divison motor rules. Now it's easy for me to say that because I dont have an SK, or the $20,000 motor that comes with it sitting in my garage, but the SK division is in trouble, and maybe a radical change is what is needed to help. What is causing the dwindling car counts in the SK division?, the price of the motors, tires, the crash um smash races they put on sometimes, the econmey? Probably all of the above but, you would think a guy not having to shell out $20,000 clams to get into, or to be competitive in the division, when they could spend a hell of a lot less on a crate motor would be a start. Now, I have seen some very good points brought up about the crates.The tracks if they go to them, have to police them. If you have a $5,000 crate motor, but you start letting guys spend $1500 on a carb, or ex amount on an intake and so on and on pretty soon your right back to where you started dollar wise for the cost of a motor. Now I am not bashing Stafford on this one, at least they see there is a problem and they are making an attempt (whether its the right one or the wrong one) to try an fix it.
I have to agree with Open on all his points . also it seems to be that I had this idea quite a while ago . And we debated the idea of Crate engines quite a bit in this forum . Maybe the promoters are actually starting to pay attention to the people who pay their salaries .
I would like to see this division happen .
I agree with both of you on this but it needs to be done in all divisions. here's a little story that is funny. When I was crewing for Jim Peterson in 2000 he was running Penske shocks. they are like 250 bucks a pop. (this was his 4th season on them) other teams cough cough posacco cough cough his crew cheif complained that these shocks just cost to much and that we shouldn't be allowed to run them. well for the 2001 season they changed the rules putting a price cap on the shocks and guess what we won 5 races 14 top 5's 19 top 10's and a 12th. lol no but here is my point 250 bucks a shock + 2 spares 1500 bucks is to much for these guys to spend even now these shocks are rebuildable so we were on our 4th year with them. but on the other side 17,500 for a late model motor isn't???????? my opinion make them all goto crate motors.
Well I am sure we al have different views on this division. Here is mine .
I honestly have to say , I think this division will EVENTUALLY be HUGE . But it MUST stay LOW COST. These are the rules, no changes . Let the teams and drivers evolve , NOT the cars. I really like the Crate Engine idea. Money buys speed in any other Modifieds.Top of the line Whelen Tour motors are in excess of $35,000.Needless to say, not all the motors are equall on the Tour . The same is true on the TVMRS and R.O.C. Tours, money buys speed. Even the SK Modifieds are the same.
I honestly hope this is the answer. A division of Modifeds, where the cars are actually evenly matched. Set-up, and driver will once again make the difference between a good run, and victory Lane .
I doubted the Sk's at first, but they proved to become what they where meant to be, a training ground for the Tour. The SK Lights, I believe, are the Next Generation NASCAR Modified.
We thought about running the Lites division but I think it might be too far for me to travel each week after I get my head screwed on straight and get the car ready. Alot of hills on rt 74 and 32, alot of wear and tear on my little Dodge ram.
About that crate motor, what are they going to use for a crank? Cast? Steel? I hope it's not a cast crank. I can only imagine what's gonna happen to these motors with a cast crank at 6500 rpm......BOOM! I don't think they'll be able to handle the revs that long.
Sorry, that's just my opinion. But don't get me wrong, I'm eager to see them run, I think it will be an exciting division.