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Park parked for the rest of 2005? hearing that angry over Dodge pulling money, owner Michael Gaughn will park his #62 truck driven by Steve Park for the remainder of the season. Have also heard that Park is looking for a ride in 2006, in the Cup, Busch or Truck series.(10-17-2005)
UPDATE 2: hearing Park could end up in a 2nd truck fielded by Wyler Racing and be a teammate with Jack Sprague.(10-19-2005)
Lynch to drive the #62: An 11th hour effort will put the #62 Orleans Racing entry on the track this weekend at Martinsville Speedway. With backing from Lynch Mob Motorsports Scott Lynch will handle the driving duties. "When we heard that the #62 was taken off the tour we called our good friend Michael Gaughan to see if we might work something out where Scott could drive it for the rest of the year," explains Scott's father, Jim Lynch. "We ended up making a deal that will keep two Orleans Racing Dodge trucks on the track for the balance of the 2005 season. Mr. Gaughan was reluctant to race the #62 given the circumstances of its parking," the senior Lynch added, "but I was able to secure enough sponsorship to keep it running just to help Scott get more exposure on what has already been a phenomenal year for him." Scott Lynch led the NASCAR West Series points standings for the majority of the season only to finish second after having a bad break in the series' final race of the year. This five-race effort in the #62 should help Lynch continue his NASCAR career efforts.(PR)(10-19-2005)