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Crocker to the Trucks and part-time Busch in 2006: Car owner Ray Evernham has changed the schedule Erin Crocker will run next season, pulling her out of a planned attempt to run a full Busch Series schedule. Crocker will instead compete in the Craftsman Truck Series and run a handful of Busch and ARCA races next season. Evernham said the decision was made to give Crocker more time to develop. "Erin not having raced on pavement a lot and not having raced traffic and things like that, we felt this would be a better way to get more experience racing without having all the pressure," Evernham said. "In fairness to her, I want her to learn without people running all over her all of the time." Crocker has competed in two Busch races this season, at Richmond, Va., and Dover, Del., and finished 39th and 35th. She was in accidents in both events, and suffered a cracked rib in the Dover wreck. Crocker said she's looking forward to running in more than 40 races next season, but admits she is disappointed it won't be in the Busch Series. "I am not going to lie, I was a little disappointed when we first talked about it because I am a competitive person and we had plans," she said. "But in the long run, this is better for me."(ESPN.com/AP)(10-14-2005)
Crocker to make Truck debut at Phoenix: Erin Crocker will head to Phoenix International Raceway this weekend ready for her Craftsman Truck Series debut at the 1.0-mile racetrack on the Craftsman Truck Series circuit. For the first time as her primary sponsor on a Dodge Ram, Crocker will team up with fulltime 2006 sponsor General Mills and its Cheerios and Betty Crocker brands. The #4 Dodge Ram will take the green flag on Saturday Crocker will pilot her #4 Dodge Ram nicknamed “Mini Me”. This chassis has raced six previous times this season, including a win at Mansfield in May piloted by NASCAR Craftsman Truck Champion Bobby Hamilton. The #4 team will be fielded by a partnership between Evernham Motorsports and Bobby Hamilton Racing. Crew chief Randy Seals from Bobby Hamilton Racing will make the calls this weekend, and the #4 crew from the BHR stable pitting the car.(Bobby Hamilton Racing)(11-10-2005)
Evernham buying #62 team..for Crocker? hearing that Cup/Busch team owner could be buying, in whole or part, the #62 Orleans Racing team for Erin Crocker to drive in 2006. The team would have owners points to fall back on and since Dodge pulled support, it looks like Brendan Gaughan will run the #77 Jasper Engines truck full-time in 2006.(11-10-2005)