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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Safelite Auto Glass NASCAR Modifieds 35-laps: 1. Don Howe 2. John Beatty Jr. 3. Dave Brigati 4. Justin Bonsignore 5. Shawn Solomito 6. Jason Agugliaro 7. Wayne Anderson 8. John Fortin 9. Bill Park 10. Chuck Steuer 11. Jerry Solomito Jr. 12. Ken Darch 13. Chris Young 14. Kyle Ellwood 15. John Fortin Jr. 16. Kevin Nowak 17. Amber Fortin 18. Robin Vollmoeller 19. Tom Rogers Jr. 20. Eddie Brunnhoelzl III
Late Models 25-laps: 1. Mike Bologna 2. Roger Oxee 3. Jarrod Hayes 4. Shawn Patrick 5. Scott Kulesa 6. Peter Eriksen 7. Chris LaSpisa 8. Kevin Metzger 9. Arne Pedersen Jr. 10. Dennis Krupski 11. Artie Pedersen Jr. 12. Rob McCormick
Chargers 20-laps: 1. Chris McGuire 2. Jeremy McDermott 3. Chris Turbush 4. Eric Zeh 5. Ray Minieri 6. Brian Doyle 7. John Baker 8. CJ Lehmann 9. Frank Dumicich Jr. 10. Erin Dumicich 11. Dan Turbush DNS- Allen Reeves
Blunderbusts 20-laps: 1. Tommy Walkowiak 2. Paul Parisi 3. Ed Mistretta 4. Scott Maliszewski 5. Tom Sullivan 6. Tim Mulqueen 7. Thomas Puccia 8. Gary Caldwell 9. Scott Sepe 10. Jessica Cohan 11. Bill Wegmann Sr. 12. Bill Portney Sr. 13. Brandon Hubbard 14. Fred Nolan 15. Tom Pickerell 16. Bryan Quilliam 17. Rob Bader 18. Bill Wegmann Jr. DQ- Jack Handley Jr.
Super Pro Trucks 20-laps: 1. Chris Turbush 2. Mike Albasini 3. Brian McElearney 4. Frank Dumicich Jr. 5. Dave Koenig 6. Lou Maestri 7. Erin Dumicich 8. Frank Dumicich Sr. 9. Peter Rotzi 10. Matt Odwazny 11. Keith Rotzi 12. Roger Turbush 13. Kevin Scharfenberg 14. Kathleen Hallock
Full Size School Bus Demolition Derby: Winner- Michael Rommeney