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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
SK MODIFIED® (40) 1) Keith Rocco, Meriden 2) Ted Christopher, Plainville 3) Glen Reen, Wilbraham, Ma 4) Dan Avery, Somers 5) Woody Pitkat, Stafford Springs 6) Eric Berndt, Cromwell 7) Frank Ruocco, Cheshire 8) Curt Brainard, Canton 9) Ryan Preece, Berlin 10) Todd Owen, Somers 11) Nichole Morgillo, Wallingford 12) Jeff Baral, Enfield 13) Sean Foster, Willington 14) Heather DesRochers, Granby, Ma 15) Michael Bennett, Stafford Springs 16) Michael Gervais, Jr., Southbury 17) Brian Sullivan, South Windsor 18) Mike King, Agawam, Ma 19) Tom Bolles, Ellington 20) Mark Bakaj, Lebanon 21) Donny Travaglin, Winsted 22) John Montesanto, North Branford 23) Bob Parker, Jr., Southbury 24) Vinny Anglace, Ansonia 25) Chris Matthews, Stafford
LATE MODEL (30) 1) Ryan Posocco, Stafford Springs 2) Woody Pitkat, Stafford Springs 3) Keith Rocco, Meriden 4) Jim Peterson, Monson, Ma 5) Tom Fearn, East Longmeadow, Ma 6) Mark St. Hilaire, Berlin 7) Walt Wosko, Jr., West Suffield 8) Patrick Townsend, Springifeld, Ma 9) John Kasper, Wilbraham, Ma 10) Corey Hutchings, Salem 11) Tony Lafo, Higganum 12) John Pysher, Brimfield, Ma 13) Scott Cook, Uncasville 14) Peter Thickett, Watertown 15) Adam Gray, Belchertown, Ma 16) Tom Butler, Stafford Springs 17) Dillon Moltz, Waterford 18) J.J. Hill, Jr., Stafford Springs
SK LIGHT MODIFIED (20) 1) Matt Galko, Meriden 2) Tommy Barrett, Jr., Millis, Ma 3) Joey Cipriano, III, Waterbury 4) Frank Cardile, Bolton 5) Dylan Liseo, East Hartford 6) Tony Membrino, Jr., Plantsville 7) Tommy Membrino, Jr., Prospect 8) Stephen Greer, Harwinton 9) Harry Wheeler, Stafford Springs 10) Tony Santangelo, Middlefield 11) Bob Charland, Stafford 12) Rick Williams, Haddam 13) Mike Parolo, Feeding Hills, Ma 14) Zach Aszklar, Wallingford 15) Jesse Ruocco, Cheshire 16) Shayne Prucker, Stafford Springs 17) Antoino Massaro, Hamden 18) Kyle Spencer, Montgomery, Ma 19) Jay Goff, Stafford Springs 20) Cody Gneiting, Broad Brook
LIMITED LATEL MODEL (20) 1) Shawn Thibeault, Plainville 2) George Nocera, Jr., Plainville 3) Kevin Gambacorta, Ellington 4) Dan Flannery, Ellington 5) D.J. Burnham, East Hartford 6) Norm Sears, Andover 7) Chris Cook, Pepperell, Ma 8) Jesse Hinze, Farmington 9) Duane Provost, Indian Orchard, Ma 10) Joe Nogiec, Bristol 11) Brian Clement, Wethersfield 12) Jeff Hubbell, Naugatuck 13) Cory Casagrande, Stafford Springs 14) Carla Botticello, Manchester 15) Paul Varricchio, Jr., Berlin
DARE STOCK (15) 1) Kyle Casagrande, Stafford Springs 2) Josh Wood, Palmer, Ma 3) Don Wood, Palmer, Ma 4) Cliff Saunders, Stafford 5) Andrew Hayes, Charlton, Ma 6) David Arute, Tolland 7) Kris Fluckiger, Enfield 8) Kaitlyn Brice, Manchester 9) James Carroll, West Hartford 10) Monte Gibbs, Killingworth 11) Andy Marchese, Tolland 12) Donald Bessette, Stafford Springs 13) Doug Phelps, Jr., New Salem, Ma 14) David Macha, Columbia 15) Vince Gambacorta, Ellington 16) Kelsey Rottino, Willimantic 17) Donnie Swan, Manchester 18) Brandon Michael, Cranville, Ma 19) Albert Saunders, Stafford