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#15 stays with DEI: DEI VP of Motorsports, Richie Gilmore told Claire B. Lang XM Satellite NASCAR Radio - that the #15 is not going anywhere: "We're going to run the 1, 8, and 15 again next year and we're working on some sponsorship right now. We have some sponsor stuff in place to run the 15 next year on a partial schedule. There is some possiblities...there's a real small window you know probably by Charlotte everybody has to have their deal signed up. But we have enough stuff right now sponsorship in place to run at least ten races with the 15. But we're just looking at our options of maybe running three (cars) full time. So we haven't ruled that out but it's a short time frame where we close that window." Gilmore said the benefits of having at least a partial schedule with the #15 are that doing so would give Paul Menard more time at the cup level. They would run him at Daytona and have three partners down there to draft and it would also help them use the full test schedule with all three teams. And as to NAPA taking the 15 number with Michael Waltrip - "That is something Dale (Earnhardt) personally went to Bud Moore and put together and had, has a lot of pride in that number and so does Theresa," Gilmore told Claire B. Lang. "We've had fans both ways saying Michael deserves that number and if they know the history of DEI they know that's not true. That's our number. We have a lot of pride in it as a company and that number will stay with DEI." CBL: "You're sure you won't give (the #15) number up:? Gilmore: "I'm positive. That number will stay with DEI. Yes we appreciate the time we've had with NAPA and with Michael but just because Michael was there for five years in that car I don't see where he deserves that number. He was in the number 30. Go get that," Gilmore said. He added that Waltrip talked to DEI about it and wanted to reassure Theresa.. that it was something that NAPA wanted because they had equity in it but that he was fine looking at other numbers.(XM Satellite NASCAR Radio) NOTE: look for DEI to transfer #15 Owners points to the #1 team that Truex Jr. will drive in 2006.(10-7-2005)