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Nice find Mandy. You normally would think DEI might be upset with the bad press this gives their "development driver" , but these days the Cup drivers, crew chiefs, and team members pay more fines, and spend more time on probation then radio "shock jock" Howard Stern! So Ryan will fit right in.
It is getting to be a little to much Warren, especially in this case where there was no live tv involved, and I doubt they walked into the family section and found the nearest group of kids and started using their inapropriate language. When live tv or a forum such as this is involved I can see using good judgement because you don't know who is watching or reading, but a "discussion" among grown men when they feel they have been "wronged" your bound to hear some "inapropriate" language.
Sorry to hear of the suspension of Ryan . What I do know is that Sean Caisse is no angle.
Perhaps in the last year or so he has grown up. But when he was a Lee racing regular he did not use good judgement in front of the spectators after winning the final season race.
He used the PA system to let out a few four letter word swears for all to hear.
To this day I can still remeber the surprise in the stands.
I simply suggest that the officials take a closer look at this young man.
given Ryan Moore's history I am suprised that NASCAR would suspend him from the seasonal finale. Having personally witnessed the incident between the #74 and the #5, there is no doubt in my mind that the #5 definetly took the #74 out. Though I know there is no room for retaliation, especially in the pit/paddock areas which a generally quite congested, I still would have to say that in light of the Caisse not receiving a penalty of any sort, that the Moore penalty was definetly excessive.
I agree with Rowe24. Knowing Sean Caise as a race observer, he is a very aggresive driver. When he was a member of the Weekly Racing Series he often did not use his head while on the track with his compettitors. His cocky attitude appparently followed him into the higher level of racing in Bush North. He was not a manner minded person when on the PA system, usining vulgar language when winning a season finale race. As an old cliche you can not change the spots on a leopard.
I think NASCAR is using Ryan as an example to all young drivers in the series. A powerful message because he is part of the DEI development program. I beleve that Sean should have equal penalties. Politics do play a part in NASCAR and unfortunately Ryan was the "example warning" to others for the future.