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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
MODIFIED FEATURE 40 Laps 1. SHAUN CARRIG, LITTLE FALLS, 2. Chris Hamilton, 3. Amanda Sesely, 4. David Reinhardt, 5. Billy Cole, 6. Buddy Miller, 7. Harry Schaeffer, 8. Tim Arre, 9. Anthony Sesely, 10. Chas Okerson, 11. Bob Pomeroy, 12. Adam LaCicero, 13. Jason Hearne, 14. John McCormack, 15. Roger Coss
FACTORY STOCK FEATURE 50 Laps 1. SHANNON MONGEAU, BRADLEY BEACH, 2. John Bowers, 3. Steve West, 4. Ronnie Mullen, 5. Todd Pilla, 6. Whitey Miller, 7. Jim Downey, 8. Rick Siddons, 9. Marty VanDruten, 10. Neil Katz, 11. Steve Lynch, 12. Robert St. Hillarie, 13. Paul Hartwig, 14. Troy Gant, 15. Ed Bischoff, 16. Chris Felber, 17. Steve Michel, 18. Stephen LaCicero, 19. Joe Stoenvilla, 20. Matt Guadagno, DQ Adam Gordon
LEGEND CARS FEATURE 25 Laps 1. TREVOR ALSPACH, WILLINGBORO, 2. Zach Alspach, 3. Brian Spencer, 4. Mark Tischler, 5. Derek Hopkinson, 6. Casey Robicheau, 7. Malcolm Campbell, 8. Kenny Van Wickle, 9. Bobby Baltera, 10. Joe Fresco, 11. Jim Davison, 12. Beth MacFarlane, 13. Dan Roslin, 14. Robert French
SPORTSMAN FEATURE 25 Laps 1. ROBERT SUTPHIN, BRICK, 2. Eric Mauriello, 3. David Calabrese, 4. Chris Lane, 5. Andrew Krause, 6. Matt Langbein, 7. Kevin Davison, 8. Shawna Ingraham
STREET STOCK FEATURE 25 Laps 1. HOWIE CONK, JACKSON, 2. Greg Mi5randa, 3. Bill Vanderveen, 4. Jerry Stanzione, 5. Joe Torchia, 6. Glen Conk, 7. Nick Shaw