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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
copied and pasted from WSB thread, post originally written by member csg 10/01/05
I checked out seekonk today. They were running qualifying for their final show which includes. TV mods 100 laps (29 cars), prostocks 100 laps (32 cars), nema midgets(25 cars), ford focus midgets(18), latemodels(23), streets and trucks. It is shaping up to be a real good show tomorrow. If one isnt attending stafford; wants to see some good racing, seekonk is worth considering.
some notables. vinny who had a modified in attendance as well as his prostock. I believe 03 of kenny spencer was also in a mod. prostocks wayne dion was racing, along with outsiders fred astle, jeff zidema and the return of rick martin(still a fan favorate after 2 or 3 ear absence. Jim silvia 116 of the seekonk street stock fame has a pro stock numbered the same.
Sorry didnt know where to post this, but figured some might be interested in the happenings at seekonk today.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!