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The following press release is from PASS Racing, Inc.
IBG PASS Championships On The Line At Star Saturday
(Naples, ME – September 29, 2005) The 18th and final race for the Infinity Business Group PASS Super Late Model/Pro Stocks will decide the 2005 points championship on Saturday night October 1st at Star Speedway in Epping, NH.
Going into the 150 green flag lap finale, Ben Rowe is sitting on top of the standings with a 30 point lead on dad, Mike Rowe, a 36 point lead on third place Cassius Clark, and a seeming insurmountable 64 point lead on defending PASS champion Johnny Clark.
With two points per place awarded in the PASS points system, Ben has to finish 16th or better to clinch the championship at a track where he has two wins and a third in his last three visits to the Epping quarter mile. However, it’s the 2001 visit to Star that will keep the Mechanical Services #00 team awake for the next two nights. Ben was fast in 2001 and sat on the pole. He led the first 14 laps, and as he went down the backstretch he suddenly turned into pit road with a broken transmission and a 25th place finish, handing the championship to Sam Sessions.
Mike Rowe needs to finish 15 places better than Ben to tie for the championship, which would then be decided on wins in favor of Mike with five to Ben’s four.
Mike also has to think about Cassius who is only six behind him in third, and a major mistake or equipment failure for Ben and Cassius finishing four spots ahead of Mike would give the championship to the #8 E. J. Prescott team.
We also have Corey Williams in the #47 and Donnie Whitten in the #83 only two points apart for sixth and seventh.
Everyone says that they will not be points racing, but there will be a lot of chatter on the radio about who is where and how far behind or ahead they are. It’ll be fun to watch.
In addition to all the PASS regulars, Pete Frappier, Bobby Cabral, Bobby Allen, Eric Hudson, Sparky Maciver and several other names familiar to Star fans will be joining the fray. Young Mike Murphy will also be making his first PASS start in the winged #2.