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Another one from Jayski.com that should stir some debate:
Restrictor Plates at Lowe's Motor Speedway? With less than rave reviews of the ever-changing track surface at Lowe's Motor Speedway from Chasers Tony Stewart, Greg Biffle and Mark Martin afer a test last week, NASCAR officials are considering running restrictor plates on the cars in the October 15 race at Charlotte. Stewart and Biffle wrecked two cars apiece during the tests. After plowing his car at 170 mph into the Turn 2 wall, Biffle felt the aftereffects last weekend at Dover. "From the eye, the track looks good," Biffle says. But the tire compound doesn't work well with the track's new surface. NASCAR doesn't expect any relief until the track is repaved after the race.(Sporting News/Lee Spencer)(9-26-2005)
So that would mean that any testing that had been completed and paid for would be null and void because the data would mean nothing. That makes a lot of sense for saving money for the small teams. Why not just take the race away from Lowes and run it where they didn't try to fix what aint broke. A Chase Bristol night race
UPDATE:After laser-grinding the Lowes Motor Speedway track to help get another year of wear out of the 1.5-mile layout, track President Humpy Wheeler says the surface will have to be repaved for 2006. Wheeler said “I think what we’ve gotta do though is to study real hard, not just go pave over what we’ve got. I think we probably need to change some of the banking a little bit. Maybe put a different asphalt mix in to make it more stable and get ready for the new car NASCAR is going to bring out. That graduated banking has been around for a long time and it is affective in creating a second groove. What we want to do here is to make sure we have a second groove so you can have passing and lead swapping.” As for a published report concerning the use of restrictor plates after the track is repaved Wheeler said "I'm all for it, let's do it! It just makes better racing. You slow the cars down and you always have better racing. I don't think they're gonna do it...but...keep the rumor going! !"(PRN's Garage Pass Radio Show)(9-28-2005)
Humpy should come up here and watch the follow the leader races we have in the WMT & BGNN and then think about restricting the Cup cars to have tight racing. They will just have the big ones at Lowes instead of better racing.
UPDATE 2: NASCAR Nextel Cup Director John Darby would neither confirm nor deny rumors that the sanctioning body will mandate the use of restrictor plates at the October Cup race at Lowe’s Motor Speedway. #20-Tony Stewart and #16-Greg Biffle each crashed two cars at Lowe’s last week, as two rounds of computer-aided track grinding — a process known as “levigation” — have made the venerable 1.5-mile track extremely fast. “We carry restrictor plates on our truck 38 weeks a year,” Darby said Friday at Talladega. “They’re there for a lot of reasons, and if a situation ever creates itself that starts to look like it’s leading itself towards the direction that we’re going to have a tremendous amount of problems in the race … or something that we can’t predict or didn’t expect to see, that’s why we have the plates. … If we ever get in a situation where we have to use them, we’ll use them.”(Speed Channel)(10-1-2005)