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This from Jayski.com should stir up some debate. I know Spd and Scott should have an opinion on this one:
Changes to "The Chase" in 2006? There may well be a new rule on points for next year's championship chase, according to sources who say that NASCAR is considering a separate points system for the 10 leading drivers. Under that this season, Kurt Busch would not have lost as many points for his Loudon crash - Busch was credited with 41st-place points at Loudon, but under the proposed system he would have been credited with 10th place points, and would still be in the hunt. Of course, under such a new system, the worst finish a playoff driver would be credited with each weekend would be 10th - 134 points, losing at most 56 points to the tour leader. At Loudon, Busch finished 35th and got 58 points.(Winston Salem Journal)(9-26-2005)
OWR........ you know how to rattle the cage on this..... muhahahahaha
that makes so sence what so ever because if you are giving 142 points or what not to 43rd<chase driver> then its like giving a hanicap in bowling or golf!!!!!!! 1. rumor has it that the chase might have 12<or past chase provisionals the way i see it> and now this...... i cant much of this !!!!!!! lol
Changes to "The Chase" in 2006? There may well be a new rule on points for next year's championship chase, according to sources who say that NASCAR is considering a separate points system for their favorite drivers. Under the new system, NASCAR would not disclose exactly how many points they would give each individual driver for any of the races or even which drivers were qualified for the chase until all monies sent in by the team owner and sponsers were tallied during the running of the seasons last race. Upon completion counting errr... I mean, of the last race a champion will be announced(Winston Salem Camel)(9-26-2005)