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Darlington add seats and plans $6 million in improvements: On September 22, Darlington Raceway announced plans to commence work on an ambitious, $6 million capital improvement plan, which includes the addition of a 6,300-seat grandstand in Turn 1 and the removal of the Brasington Grandstand from Turn 2, for a net gain of approximately 3,000 seats at the historic facility. Construction will begin before the end of the year. The Turn 1 grandstand will be completed in time for the Carolina Dodge Dealers 500 weekend, May 11-13, 2006. In addition to the Turn 1 grandstand project, the corporate tower suites located outside Turn 3, as well as the infield suites in Turn 2, will be renovated and upgraded. Electrical service for 48 motorhomes will be installed in the competitors' parking area, giving every infield competitors' motorcoach parking spot at Darlington access to power. Other capital improvement projects at Darlington include rehabilitation of the east and west infield tunnels and relocation of all remaining overhead power lines to underground locations. For information up upcoming events at Darlington Raceway, call the Raceway ticket hotline toll-free at 866.459.RACE, or log onto www.darlingtonraceway.com.(Darlington Raceway PR)(9-23-2005)