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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The Thompson Speedway is running their second to last Thursday Night Thunder program and CSG is on the scene to give you live results from the track. Two features are already in the books and in the Limited Sportsman the top 3 were:
Larry Barnett
Keith Decantis
Steve Malcom
And in the TIS Mods 10 cars took the green and the top 3 were:
Roger Larson Jr
Mike Viens
Shane Michalski
Original feature event winner Chad Gaudiosi, was disqualified in post race tech inspection.
The Late Model feature is complete and it was a very close finish. The top 4 were:
Marc Palmisano
Jeff Zuiedema
Charles Bailey III
Woody Pitkat
Corey Hutchings, was running in the top 5 but contact on the last lap knocked him from contention for a top 5 finish.
The Sunoco Mods round out tonights action. CSG reports 23 cars are set to take the green, with SMS regular Keith Rocco and Waterford competitor Shawn Monahan in the field.
The late model race had a Green/White/Checker and it finished with a photo finish with Marc P. edging a charging Jeff Z. by 3" at the line. A very good race.
Zuiedema turned 43 today, lol in case you read this Jeff. He was playing the I'm upset because someone on my crew leaked the info but I'm really loving the attention. If he was a twin he would be the younger one as he finished 2nd twice tonight (runner up in Prostock also).
And yes, Astel had a good 1/2 a straight lead and was on his way unchallenged and suddenly just pulled it in and parked in the infield with 3 to go. After the race he was pushed into the pits. No smoke and nothing leaking so I am not sure what broke. Maybe ignition box?
The SK race was exciting to the end with Marvin all over Malone's bumper and Rocco trying everything to get by Marvin and get a shot on Malone.
I saw 2 very impressive moves by Malone tonight. The first was going from 3rd to 1st past Blewett & Marvin going into turn 3 on the low side, cleared them both and pulled up in the groove by the middle of 3 & 4, wow. I have seen a lot of racing at the big T but that was very impressive. The second was on a restart Malone & Marvin row 1, Blewett & Rocco row 2. Down the front chute Marvin on the outside pulled Malone enough that Rocco was even with Malone going into 1. By the middle of 1 & 2, Malone was in front pulling away again with out a slide job or moving Marvin up into the marbles. Just plain drove it through the bottom groove like everyone else was stopped. Things that make you go mmmmmmmmmm. After both those moves he & Marvin were very equal. Marvin seemed to have more steam but Malone seemed a little better from the middle off.
I must say that this was the 1st time I have seen Keith Rocco race an SK and both the farmer & I were impressed with him. He has made the jump from a WSB strickly or DARE stock or whatever they are called now a days to SK in very good order. He should be a great one in the future. You listening Jack & Mark?
In all, my first local race this year besides a couple of wacky wednesday's to help a friend. Saw a lot of friends and everyone wants to know when the farmer is coming back. He just laughed and said he's having to much fun golfing.
If your "are you listening jack and mark?" comment was intended for the arutes, wild child has been racing all season at sms. his racing style last night was typical of the way he runs at stafford.
No, Roush & Martin. If the kids got a chance get outa here before it to late and you're to old. That's what that was for. Now a days you need to get noticed early because 30 is old. And I have not seen Keith at SMS but judging from his weekly results he is doing very well there also. I saw him run at the Speedbowl before jumping to SK's. Glad he went to the big tracks to bet seat time. It would be nice to see someone from around here move up.