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Miller to debut in #12 Truck: Darrell Waltrip Motorsports announced that Joey Miller will drive the #12 Toyota Tundra in the Las Vegas 350 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on Saturday evening. Miller, a 20-year-old from Lakeville (Minn.), makes his NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series debut fresh off his fourth ARCA RE/MAX win this season with second-place locked up in the points standings. "I've been watching Joey Miller in the ARCA Series and he's done a great job," said Darrell Waltrip. "If he can come close to what he's done in ARCA in the Craftsman Truck Series that would definitely be big for us. Right next to Frank Kimmel, Mr. ARCA and six-time champion, Joey's had the car to beat every week. Hopefully, we'll give him a truck as good as his car. Let me say this too, Mike Wallace has done a great job at performing up to our expectations and turning things around for us. He'll be back with us at Atlanta after I run the 12 Toyota Tundra at Martinsville." Miller's had a strong season registering four wins (Berlin Raceway, Gateway International Raceway, Nashville Superspeedway and Salem Speedway), 12 top-fives and 17 top-10s in 22 ARCA starts. With no track experience at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Miller will rely on input from David Reutimann and both Darrell Waltrip Motorsports teams.(DW Motorsports PR)(9-21-2005)