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Robby Gordon, Conway have altercation in garage: UPDATE: #7-Robby Gordon has been placed on immediate probation for an unspecified period after a post-qualifying incident in the Sprint Cup Series garage Friday evening at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. NASCAR wouldn't specifically say what Gordon did, but described its probation move as an "emergency action." "His actions were brought to our attention early last evening," NASCAR spokesman Kerry Tharp said. "We met this morning and reviewed the situation, and have reacted accordingly. We will continue to look at this situation involving Robby Gordon." NASCAR vice president of competition Robin Pemberton described the incident as a "heated discussion" but wouldn't confirm it was a physical confrontation because he didn't personally witness it, nor did any NASCAR officials. "You'll have to find somebody that actually saw it," Pemberton said. The incident was brought to NASCAR's attention by Conway, Pemberton said. Conway will not be penalized. Gordon and Conway didn't immediately respond to requests for comment. The two have had recent battles in the legal system over money.(SB Nation)(3-5-2011)
UPDATE: Neither Gordon nor Conway would talk about the incident, but Conway said he had filed a police report about the incident giving the indication that it was physical and said all comment would come from the police or NASCAR. Gordon said he couldn't comment because of the legal issues that already had existed between the two. Conway drove for Gordon in six races last year and they are involved in lawsuits with each other Gordon has sued Conway sponsor Extenze in California while Conway has sued Gordon in North Carolina. Gordon said Saturday that Conway is asking for $27,000 in money from winning the NASCAR Sprint Cup rookie award from last year. Gordon said Saturday that he would pay Conway once he gets the $690,000 from Extenze.(Scene Daily)(3-5-2011)