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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Saratoga Automobile Museum , in Saratoga N.Y. , has added a Pinto-bodied modified built and driven by nine-time NASCAR Modified National Champion Richie Evans . The car will be featured in the New York State Stock Car Association's Hall of Fame display . The Pinto body represents the mid-portion of the late drivers 480 feature win career. Evans was named one of NASCAR's 50 Greatest Driver's, and was inducted into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame . The brigth orange colored paint on all Evan's cars , brought about the nickname " The Big Orange "
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 14:32, 2005-09-16
That's awesome!! Richie Evans was the man!! He's an THE icon for NASCAR Modified Racing. Every sport has one - Baseball (Babe Ruth), Basketball (Michael Jordan), Soccer (Pele), NASCAR Cup (Richard Petty), Boxing (Muhammed Ali), Cycling (Lance Armstrong) and that's just a few.... To me, Evans is on the level when it comes to dominating the competition as well as becoming the Face of their respective sports.
I remember the day I heard Richie Evans died, and I just remember an overwhelming emptiness come over me for a few days. I miss the '61' to this day - but I'm glad I got to see him kick some ass at several tracks before he passed. God, was he fun to watch...
And of course, he has one of the greatest quotes ever....
"A good racer is one whose head is in perfect communication with his balls"
That pretty much sums it up, don't it?
Might have to add Saratoga to the road trip list and go check it out sometime...