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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
With drivers like Stev Park and Todd Bodine making returns to the Modifieds , I started thinking of a great idea for a special race .
Bring back all the "old" stars for a special match race . Imagine having Geoff Bodine , Brett Bodine , Todd Bodine , Ken Bouchard , Jimmy Spencer , Randy Lajoie , Greg Sacks , Steve Park, Mike McLaughlin , aand Jeff Fuller all racing against each other in Modifieds .
Everyone of these drivers have competed in the Modifieds at one point in their career.
Too round out the field some other drivers would need to be invited . So I would start with Bugs Stevens , and Leo Cleary . Two of the most colorfull personlitys to grace the Modified division. An invitation would also have to got to Bob Polverari , who showed at the Thompson 300 , he can still run with the big boys .
Two drivers from the South who would have to get invitations would be Satch Worley and Junior Miller , the "king of the southern Modifieds".
Some current drivers would also have to be invited . Reggie Ruggiero would have to lead this list . Love him or hate him , Reggie has drawn major attention to the Modifieds throughout his career .And to make it more interesting , Mario Fiore would field Reggie's car . Mike Steffanik would also have to be invited .
Finally there are two drivers who get my personal vote for entry . Not because they have won races and championships , not because they are huge stars of the Modified Tour but because they show unparalled support for the division . They are Wade Cole and Jake Marosz .
These two drivers are the last of their kind . Open trailers , little help , limited funds , used tires and parts . They are all that remains of how the racing once was . Before the big haulers and huge checkbooks . Before teams had two back-up cars and full time employees . Before a Modified saw a wind tunnell . These guys do it the hard way and definitely deserve the recognition .
I know there are drivers that you feel should be in this special race , so please let me know who you think should be in the field .
Thanx for reading .
Sounds like a great idea but the main problem I see is who will supply the cars? Could have a lot of bent stuff while they get uesd to the 'open wheel' thing, lol.