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Being a driver who participated in it. There were more fans from our teams then people in the stands. They put us at 1:00 on a Sunday when there was a cup race on as well. People are going to choose the cup race. If they made it a Friday night or Saturday night show it would be better. Unfortunate, great track.
I definitely agree with you #39. I know I have seen some great crowds as a fan and crew member at Martinsville. It to me, is a MODIFIED track. I feel the Tour should race Friday night of Cup Series weekends LIVE on Speed. With the move towards Saturday Cup Series Qualifying, they could actually have the garages free for the Tour on Friday. Just a thought.
I agree with Mod39, but can add that they didn't advertise for the race either. I stopped at a gas station down the street from the track, with our race car hauler, and the lady inside didn't know there was a race going on. Neither did the waitstaff at Clarence's, who are usually very knowledgeable about events going on at the Paper Clip.
Back to what "invisible" said. I agree. We checked into our hotel and the guy asked us why we were in Martinsville. After telling him about the race, in his indian accent he says "I am gonna raise my rates this second". They had no idea we were coming. Good job NASCAR.
Not really NASCAR's fault as much as Martinsville Speedway's fault for the lack of advertising. I don't disagree with WMT's idea of running on a Cup weekend. The problem lies in the rates for teams in hotels (like Mod39 mentioned, are raised to astronomical heights whenever the Cup series is in town) and room in the infield for the expensive portable lights. Musco's rate for the lights is the reason that Martinsville originally went away from the night races, and they took up quite a bit of room. Room that isn't there to take up at Martinsville anyway, and especially not when the Cup circus rolls into town. After that, then you need to think about parking - both the cars/equipment and haulers. The Truck series teams don't have room for their haulers in the infield, and put all their equipment on pit road. Where would the Modified teams put all their stuff? If people want to treat Martinsville like a crown jewel event (which it is), then it should be a two-day show like the Sizzler, the 300 (was), etc.
Yes I remember when I was with a Tour team having to unload everything then bring the haulers out. And yes, I did not even think about all the space for the Musco Lighting. Maybe it could become a combination event with Late Models or something during the day then or run early enough on Friday of Cup weekend to not need lighting. Regardless the Mods belong at Martinsville amongst other tracks they used to race at.