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Ok, they have changed the points posting from Sat night following the race. Originally they had Edwards at -35 & Kenseth at -40 and now they are both at -35 with Newman at -45.
They said before Richmond that if there was a tie that no tie breakers would be used (i.e. wins...) so if 2 cars tied for 10th they would both make it regardless. So I believe they are correct in giving Carl & Matt the same number of points because they tied for 8th. If you argue they should have added them and divided by 2 then they would have -37 1/2. Now that may help in a tie breaker later on, but I doubt the programs are set up for 1/2 point incruments.
from what i heard was if there was a tie for 10th....... they would use the wins/top 5/10 to determen the chase...... inside the top 10 for the chase would be reset reguardless right?????? that is from what i understand
Remember the 24/8.05.+2 rule we joked about. Well, from what I followed last week (prior to Richmond) some rules director/publicity dude talked about ties and tie breaking procedures concerning making the chase. The way I understood what he said was they would not use the normal tie breaking procedures for qualifing for the chase. If 2 or more drivers (for instance #'s 24 + 8) were to tie the 10th place driver then they would all qualify. So minimum of 10 but there could be more.
He was asked about how it would work if say 2 drivers tied for 8th. Would that mean there would still be a 9th & 10th place or would there be 8th x2 & 10th. He initially indicated that if there was a tie any where in the top 10 that there would be more than 10 in the chase. He really didn't sound like he understood the question or his response, that's how I know he was upper management and just pulled rank to get some air time. Later on NASCAR released a correction and stated that the only way more than 10 could get in would be by tieing for 10th.
I raised this question because on NASCAR.com Duane Cross or one of the bloggers make it seem wrong that Matt gets the extra 5 points. And in one of his examples it sounds like a good idea not to give him the 5 points. If Matt was to win the championship by 1 to 5 points there will be an outpouring of complaints.
However, I feel if they extended the 'non-use of normal tie breaking procedures' so the door would be open a little wider for say.. someone special to NASCAR.. then they have to honor that for the instance that has in fact taken place with the 8th place tie. Newman would still be -45 regardless. If 2 cars were tired for 10th how many points each would they each get? -45.
I think NASCAR has done the right thing and followed the presidence they set in the press release the week before.
I think if two cars tied for tenth, normal tie breaking should take effect. The guy with the most wins would be -45 and the 11th guy should be -50. That's at least how I understand it would work if 11 guys were inside the 400 point braket also.
I think that deal with Kenseth is wrong. If they counted the final race he would not get the spot, so why does he get the points?