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Sterling Marlin confirmed yesterday that he will race the next two seasons for MB2 Motorsports as a teammate of #01-Joe Nemechek. "I've got a deal," Marlin said, "and it's a good one." The 48-year-old racer from Columbia will replace Scott Riggs, who is jumping to Evernham Motorsports next year. MB2, based in Concord, N.C. [sson to be Mooresville], could have followed the recent trend in NASCAR and picked one of a dozen young drivers with a more polished image than Marlin, a self-described "country boy." But team official Jay Frye said "age equates to experience," and that Marlin's lack of pretension is appealing. "Sterling has no baggage," Frye said. "Everybody likes him." And it wasn't just Marlin's personality that landed him the ride. "We think he can still do it," Frye said. "We've very excited about the next couple of years." Frye said details on Marlin's new sponsor and car number are still being finalized. "They've got good people and a good motor program," Marlin said. "It's a team with a great future." Marlin said he is relieved to get his new deal finalized because it's the last one he will have to negotiate. "Two more years is all I want," he said. "After that I'm done."(Tennessean) AND The signing of Sterling Marlin to drive the #10 Chevrolet [#35 in 2006 probably] of MB2 Motorsports is still in the works, but an insider estimated the official announcement may be a month away. Apparently the sponsorship details are still being worked out, and it’s unlikely that an official an-nouncement will be made until the sponsor is officially signed.(Gaston Gazette)(9-10-2005)