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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
because that is not his primary car..... should nascar fix a rule that if crash and go to a backup during practice, should the fastest or whatever spot you were in should be taken off???? say newman does 50 laps ontop of what he did before the crash, they should only count the laps after the car change?????
that is the exact time he posted way at the begining of happy 2 hours<HA>.......unless im seeing things and like you said it is the same exact time he posted with the other car but i doubt it....... so what i am doing right now is looking from 2nd to last not counting newman.......
From what I know ( and no rude comments LOL ) they keep the times even if you wreck as long as no one beats them . Practice does not realy mean crap anyhows . It is just an indication of who was running O.K. Everyone will make adjustments for qualifying , and slow cars will become fast and fast cars will become slow .
Yeah, this is an impond race so they work on race set-ups then make allowable changes like tape up and tire pressure for qualifing so the times are only close.
But I agree, if you wreck a car and go to the back up they need to drop the primary car numbers to eliminate the confusion even though they don't mean squat anyway.