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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I have heard a rummor that the #72 SK Modified will be back this week at the bowl. Ed Reed Jr as the driver again. Heard from a very very realiable source.
I too, heard the same thing after the races last week. Ya never know, but like Pat6, I'd call mine a very reliable source as well. Would be great to see him out there, even for one race.
Remember when '04 LM Champ Corey came back for a race (Feature Win) a few weeks back. Or the show '04 SM Champ Rocco put on Root's bumber during his lone return to the 'bowl this year, finishing an aggressive 2nd. ('04 MS Champ Colvin also returned for one race in the 39, but didn't do so great - DNF)
So Eddie's due for a return - bring it on, sucka!! Let's see whatcha got!!! Sucks to hype up 1-race returns for our '04 Champions instead of watching them defend their title over the whole season, but at this point, why be picky? I'll be lookin' foward to it....
I hope "Fast Eddie" does return . And heres an idea . Seems how his car owner Gordon "Flash" Rodgers has won in just about everything , why don't they test the Tour out .
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 18:10, 2005-09-09
Hey Spd19 - thanks for pickin' my boy!! We like to call him 'chard. And we may sound cool, but we're definitely a bunch of whack-jobs in person!! LOL!!