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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Not sure if the WMT will go there in 06 or not, but if they do.... You could possibly consult the Brat for some setup tips, as she has some laps around that joint in a rent a car......
What was the official reason for not racing there this year? They were scheduled at first. If it is a issue between the track & NASCAR it could be a while before it gets worked out.
Like the Hooters Pro Cup ran at TIS in 2000 and all the drivers loved the place but they never could come to terms again. We finished 3rd in our first cup race which was @ TIS.
Could be right about the NASCAR thing. Myrtle Beach is running a Pro up race.
Wonder if the Bowl had issues after the Super Flex race last year. The Flex people covered everything with NASCAR on it and also all the advertisement boards on the back chute.
A long time respected driver (current SK) told me this last year as we awaited the out come of a chassie, errr frame height measurement check after the race, which Colby (if I remember correctly) got DQ'd for, anyway, the doctor told me to try and concentrate and not stray from , what was I ... oh yeah, he said that when you look at the personnel running the bowl that you realize that somewhere out there a carnival is running by itself. I still laugh when I think about that.
Yeah and that is a shame. It has a lot of history like the rest of the tracks, but they suffer where they are run just to try to make money. There needs to be a strong management to keep it fair for all but one that will work to keep it affordable and work with the competitors. Sounds so easy why isn't it happening? But no matter where I have been CT, WI, CA whereever, it's the same. Maybe racers just like to complain? Nah!