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The 2011 Star Speedway June 4 Tour-Type Modified 125, bringing with it a base purse of $25,000, plus added bonus money will likely swell the purse payout to more than $30,000. Associate sponsorship for this event is being provided by Hoosier Tire East and race fan, "Long Island Mod Maniac", with a headline sponsor to be named as the event draws near.
A lap sponsor program for this June 4 race was recently introduced, with a number of laps, and additional bonus awards already secured for the event. Laps are being sold at a minimum of $50, with $25 going to the race leader, and the other $25 being distributed each lap by a draw of the drivers running in the top ten on each lap.
Among the early entries are popular champion Modified drivers Mike Stefanik, Ted Christopher, Dwight Jarvis, Jon McKennedy, and 2008 Star Speedway and NASCAR State Champion Louie Mechalides. With both New England Modified tours having the week off, a large field of entrants is expected.
As a bonus, there will be a second payoff to the teams who raced at the track under the previous ownership in the form of a point fund reward. The 2008 four race All-Star Series was won by Matt Hirschman. The amount of this payoff will be directly determined by the financial success of this event, making this a Modified race like no other, where race fans can help the race teams by supporting this event.