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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
What Cup car number has the most wins & how many different drivers did it take to get that many? This would be from the start of NASCAR in the division that has become the "$$$" Cup.
ok its the 43..... say petty won 194 races in the 43.......... 6 races in the 42 in the 50s possabilly.... 1958 to 1962.... thats 200 for petty..... i do beleave john anderiti won a race and bobby hamilton won 1 maybe 2 races in the 43.... the 43 accually has 196 races won ????
Ok, this is a tough one and I thought it was interesting. Let see if this cut & paste works:
NOTES: had a few questions on why the #43 is not at 200 which is how many wins Richard Petty had but Petty won races using the #41(6) and the #42(2). Also other drivers have won with the #43. See Chart:
the 41 was also used for jim pascal in 1965..... i have an old tape that showed clips of 5 races and one of them was the 1st ever race at the rock........
That old tape must be cool. It would be interesting to try to get one of those old cars set up today but I guess it would be the same as a strickly or mini that you couldn't change the stock stuff. But I have a feeling the did some questionable things back them, lol.
I am getting ready to start traveling in a few weeks. I do inspection work in power plants and spend months living in hotels. You should see the spread sheets of football stats I do at night just to have something to do. I have been building some links to sites with old race info and pics. I just saw a lot of old friends at the party and someone had pulled out some of the old racing pics of when I was a teen at the races. Back when Firestones were actually made from stones
In the early '70s I was working on Big Mike Daigneault's Spirit of 76 (daredevil), Dick Dunns #3 Budas Bullet and Bob Potters #110 modifies. AT 17 I was on both teams (built out of same shop - Big Al's) that won both points championships at the bowl in '72 (76 & 3) and 3 more in a row with the mod. Some nights we would leave the Bowl and help Boots Cote convert his #90 from a bowl car to run Thompson on Sunday. Some Sat nights after the Bowl I would go over George Allums (#87 coupe) help change the car over to go to New Hampshire on Sunday to Clearmont and other tracks.
In the last couple of years I have helped some guys I meet in Wisconsin. They have a mid american class which is like a late models out here and their late models are what we call pro stocks. Went to a number of tracks like Slinger and their history out there is guys like Dick Trickle, Mark Martin, Rusty Wallace, Darrel Waltrip and others like Bobby Allison running ASA cars up to some of the latest stars like Matt Kennseth.
Arround here I got back into it in the early '90s helping Big Mike & Dave Morganstein at CB Fab. That took us from WSB Late Models to SMS Pro Stocks to TIS prostocks, driver change to CJ Frye then the Farmer. Helped Phil on his last BGNN runs, until the break up with the owner. Won the Pro Stock TIS Champ and got screwed at the bowl in the LM Champ in '01. In '02 went Hooters Pro Cup with the Farmer and pulled out a 5th in Northern Div points with no sponser, running an old Busch North car, building our own motors running against Winston Cup stuff. Consistency was the key. Man that was fun going to places like IRP, Salam & Winchester, IN, tracks in Ohio, Penn & NY. The pit stops were cool to do compared to the roll the wagons out to the infield at TIS & SMS for a 30 lap race. What a pain for little gain. If you wreck at TIS you need a lot ,ore than 30 to fix it, lol.
In '03, no pro cup sponsor + no more money = no racing. Pinnacle Pete had purchased the Farmers car in '03 but never ran it so in '04, Pete & Phil teamed up for the bowl. I won't put words in Phils mouth but says he doesn't miss it, especially the BS. One day at the track he heard some of us talking about playing golf and he wanted to try it, so for the about a year now we golf twice a week and he spends time with his young kids. I miss the racing to an extent but the golfing is fun and very competitive as you could guess. It was funny, last Saturday afternoon Phil & I were at the driving range hitting some balls and I started laughing. He said, "what's so funny?" I said, "who would have believed last year that the only driving you'd be doing on a Sat afternoon this Sept would be with a big bertha!" We had a good laugh.
Maybe I need to drive up the street and see if the Pastryaks need a go-for or something, lol.
Sorry for the rant, just bored following the Patriots winning their opener and got to rambling.
No SPD I personally found it quite interesting . i worked on more than one car you raced against in those days . Perhaps we could find a place on here to hear everyones racing history . I never get bore reading about things like that .
Thanx for sharing it .