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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
With the Thompson 300 returning to it's true 300 lap format , pit stratedgy will play a key role in determining the winner . Each team will be allowed to change a total of seven tires , with the seventh tire being reserved for the left front only . The different ideas of which tires to change when , will most definitely play a pivotal role in deciding the race winner .
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 15:35, 2005-09-08
Very interesting. The Mods are one of the only divs I have seen change rears only at times. The only other time I have seen that was ASA once or twice.
I would guess RF & rears @ ~100 if there is a yellow and then all 4 ~200 if there is a yellow. Otherwise, what would you do?
well if you make a race that big you need about 3 sets of tires, the right rear wears out the most on the rear and the left rear is usually set at about 10 p.s.i so those build up the least out of all them becuase at a track like thompson you would want like 3 1/4 stagger because it will build up over time
I would change right sides around 75 laps in or as close as possible.Change lefts around 150 to 175 .This would also be my fuel stop . And hope for a caution around lap 200 to 225. Bolt on a new right rear, right front, and left rear . Then I would tell my driver to drive it like ya stole and hope for the best .
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 10:49, 2005-09-09