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Trevor Bayne will drive the #21 Wood Brothers Ford beginning with the Daytona 500 in February. Currently, Bayne is scheduled to run the first five NASCAR Sprint Cup races of the season. The balance of Bayne's race plans has not been finalized.(Fox Sports)(1-8-2011)
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour on Saturday 8th of January 2011 05:09:11 PM
UPDATE: Trevor Bayne, 19, is expected to run 17 races for the Wood Brothers. While there was no room in the Roush Fenway Racing lineup, Bayne could very easily become the future of that company. He is NASCAR's version of a true freshman. Bayne has exhibited potential in the Nationwide Series (where he will continue to run under the Roush banner) to the point that Roush and Ford wanted to see what the youngster was capable of achieving at the Cup level.(FoxSports) AND Bayne is slated to run a full NWS campaign for Roush this season and after making his Sprint Cup debut for the legendary Wood Brothers team last November in Texas could add more than a few more starts in NASCAR's top division to his schedule. Bayne will run the first five races of the Cup season in the Wood's iconic #21 Ford including the Daytona 500 and pending sponsorship may make up to 17 starts for the team. "It's all about whether we can get the right funding or not, but I'm certainly grateful for the opportunity," said Bayne. "Running the new Nationwide car, which is a lot more like the Cup car, is going to help me a ton, that's for sure. I'm hoping it all comes together and I know it'll be a busy year for me but I'm ready." Team owner Eddie Wood said negotiations with several sponsors continue and he's hopeful an expanded schedule for 2011 will come together.(CBS Sports)(1-11-2011)