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Harvick to the #42? No Comment: Childress: Rumors here [California Speedway] are widespread that Kevin Harvick may be headed to Ganassi’s #42 Texaco Dodge, thus freeing Jamie McMurray to move to Roush Racing [#6] a year early [he signed for 2007]. Richard Childress, who owns the cars Harvick currently drives, wouldn’t comment directly on speculation that the team might be breaking up. Childress did, however, reminisce on the longstanding relationship between him and the late Dale Earnhardt. “He (Earnhardt) had a chance to leave,” said Childress. “I told him in 1985 after we had blown 11 engines that year and run horrible. I told him on the way back from Pocono, we met out by my pool, and I said, ‘Dale, you’re too good of a race driver to be here.’ He said, ‘We made a commitment commitment together, and we’re going to finish it together.’ That was 1985 and we came back next year and won 11 races and the championship, and the same thing in 1987, and the rest is history.”(Gaston Gazette)(9-4-2005) AND Kevin Harvick apologized to his team during Speed Channel's broadcast of qualifying for the critical comments he made about them at Bristol last weekend.(News and Record)(9-4-2005)
All these rumors are getting CRAZY . If Harvick goes , that means Jamie goes to the #6 , which means Martin realy retires . And there is a whole lot more going on . Theres going to be alot of news to help get through the off season for sure.