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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Really dismal car count at SMS this evening in the SK division with many of the SMS regulars choosing to run the WMT event in Martinsville. These were Donny Lia, Ted Christopher, Zach Sylvester and they do not even have their cars there to attempt with substitute drivers. The conflict may have locked the SK championship, or certainly locked the #13 out of it. Bo Gunning returns in the #97 of Frank Ruocco, but there are still only about 18 cars entered for this evenings SK feature.
They are planning on shooting of the annual labor Day fireworks display after all the features are completed.
After a few altercations caused some bruised egos and twisted metal, the Late Model Feature for this evening has completed.
Marc Atkinson and Scott Cook involved in a wreck together, as well as Joe Rezutek and Woody Pitkat. Rezutek had a "talking to" or consultation with officials, but was not penalized....yet.
Late Model Top Five Finishers:
Tom Fearn
Scott Foster Jr.
Jim Peterson
Mike Quintilliano
Tom Butler
and the SK's are coming out now...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Jeff Malave, a regional championship contender, ended up a DNF this evening after a wreck takes him out of contention. Lloyd Agor still gained points on Todd Owen, with an unoffiical 11th and 13th finish respectively from the two championship contenders in tonight's feature event.
SK Full Finish:
Frank Ruocco
Woody Pitkat
Jeff Baral
Mike Holdridge
Kenny Horton
Willie Hardie Jr.
Jimmy Blewett
Keith Rocco
Mark Anderson
Chuch Docherty
Lloyd Agor
Bo Gunning
Todd Owen
Brad Heitala
Curt Brainard
John Cleary
Jeff Malave
Ronnie Silk (in #8 for Zach Sylvester)
A fireworks display will be next and the Dare feature will be commmencing the evening's festivities.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:06, 2005-09-02
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
As of right now, there is only one more regular show in the SMS schedule, and we will see you next week for LIVE results and again for the Fall Final where the champions will be crowned.
Until then.... we will save you a seat in the stands.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Okay, it's officially take time! And let me make this explained, because I've been in a good mood (and I figured that it was time for me to do another full-explained version of the takes):
Limited Late Models: Chalk another win for Andrew Durand. Let me tell you, I heard some of the close calls between him and Bennett, and I didn't know who was going to come out of those situations with the lead. But Durand won and that was that. As for me, I ended up walking down to Victory Lane with my 6-year-old cousin (whose first photo took place at that moment).
Late Models: I really thought that there was going to be a repeat of last week's action. Another 4-wide moment would have killed me where I was sitting. I'm just glad that didn't happen. What I can tell you is that the action was very hot. (The winner's not the only thing that was important...I thought there was going to be a dead heat for second!)
SK Modifieds: Well...Teddy and Lia weren't at the track tonight due to conflicts in their schedules. That's two members of the top-5 in points. Who's going to come out on top, and what does this do with the point standings? Well, this opened the doors for Frank Ruocco, who fought challenges from both Jeff Baral and Woody Pitkat. (Not real important, but just to let you know, another photo op for me.)
DARE Stocks: I didn't see the whole race, as I was busy with other things that were encircled in my mind. I heard about Nocera getting creamed by another competitor. (Anybody who was paying attention care to tell us what happened?) But good job by Sweeney. (I know...not much. But I try to get as much information as possible.)
In non-racing related news, I'll be helping out with the MDA telethon this year. I'll be working during the 8pm-12:30am shift. What am I wearing? Try to find a nice silver shirt.
Until next week, the final Friday night event of the year, I'll see you on the other side of the starting line.